Digital Projects Officer
We are seeking a motivated and detail-oriented Digital Project Officer to join our Agile team. In this role, you will assist in facilitating Agile practices, supporting the team in delivering high-quality products, and continuously improving processes. This is an excellent opportunity for individuals with foundational Agile knowledge to grow their skills in a dynamic and collaborative environment.
Closing Date: Friday 10th January 2025
Interviews will take place week commencing: 20th January 2025
The Person
- Good understanding of Agile frameworks (Scrum) and principles.
- Scrum certification (e.g., Certified Scrum Master - CSM, or Professional Scrum Master - PSM I) is desirable.
- Experience working in an Agile team or environment, even in an internship or educational setting.
- Strong communication and interpersonal skills with the ability to foster collaboration.
- Detail-oriented with strong organizational and problem-solving abilities.
- Familiarity with Agile tools such as Jira, Confluence, or similar platforms.
- Ability to manage time effectively and multitask in a fast-paced environment
- Excellent IT skills, specifically Microsoft package
- Strong interpersonal skills
- Excellent written and verbal communication skills are essential
- Strong interpersonal and relationship management
- Excellent knowledge and understanding of regulatory compliance
- Ability to communicate and work through the medium of Welsh is desirable
The Role
Facilitate Scrum ceremonies, including daily stand-ups, sprint planning, retrospectives, and reviews.
Support the team in adhering to Agile principles and Scrum practices to ensure effective collaboration and delivery.
Help track sprint progress and team performance metrics using Agile tools (e.g., Jira)
Identify and remove impediments to support the team in achieving sprint goals.
Foster open communication among team members and stakeholders to enhance transparency and alignment.
Assist in coaching team members on Agile best practices and encouraging a culture of continuous improvement.
Maintain and update the product backlog in collaboration with the Product Owner.
Document and share insights from retrospectives and sprint reviews to drive improvements.
Carry out duties in support of the WRU Group Strategic Mission, Purpose and Values
WRU Requirements
The WRU require that individuals are proficient in IT skills, specifically Microsoft packages. Excellent written and verbal communications are essential, along with the ability to build strong relationships with internal and external stakeholders.
Ability to communicate through the medium of Welsh and a Valid UK Driver's License is desirable. This role is subject to a basic/enhanced DBS check.
The Perks
As a permanent member of the WRU Group, you will have access to our full range of employee benefits, including:
•Salary Sacrifice Pension (5% employee contribution, matched by WRU)
•Life assurance scheme
•WRU Group Ticket Allocation
•Employee assistance programme
•Team Tactics – hybrid working arrangements
•Free stadium parking and gym
•WRU Group store and tour discounts
•WRU Group partnership offers
•Eye Care Voucher Scheme
•Cycle to Work Scheme
Our Values
The WRU Group are committed to developing a culture whereby all employees are equally valued and respected. Our aims, together with our vision and mission, are underpinned by our core values and beliefs which embrace: Integrity, Excellence, Success, Courage, Family & Humour.
Inclusion At The WRU
The WRU Group are committed to providing a Jersey for All. This includes the people who work for and with us. We are ambitious about providing a people first culture where everyone can belong, be heard and respected. We are happy to talk to you about our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Plan (2023-2028) and you can also read more about our commitment in our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy.
Diversity monitoring
We know that we deliver better services when our workforce reflects the full range of backgrounds and experiences in the society we serve.
To continue to do this we need your help in filling out a short monitoring form.
None of the information you provide will be visible as part of your application. It will only be used anonymously to monitor the inclusivity of our selection processes.
You can select 'prefer not to say’ if you would rather not answer any question.
Rydym yn chwilio am Swyddog Prosiectau Digidol brwdfrydig sydd yn rhoi sylw i fanylion i ymuno â'n tîm Ystwyth. Yn y rôl hon, byddwch yn cynorthwyo i hwyluso arferion Ystwyth, gan gefnogi'r tîm i ddarparu cynhyrchion o ansawdd uchel, a gwella prosesau'n barhaus. Mae hwn yn gyfle gwych i unigolion sydd â gwybodaeth Ystwyth sylfaenol i ddatblygu eu sgiliau mewn amgylchedd deinamig a chydweithredol.
Dyddiad Cau: Dydd Gwener 10th Ionawr 2025
Cynhelir cyfweliadau yn ystod yr wythnos yn dechrau: 20th Ionawr 2025
- Dealltwriaeth dda o fframweithiau (Sgrym) ac egwyddorion Ystwyth.
- Mae ardystiad Sgrym (e.e., Meistr Sgrym Ardystiedig - 'CSM', neu Meistr Sgrym Proffesiynol - 'PSM I') yn fanteisiol.
- Profiad o weithio mewn tîm neu amgylchedd Ystwyth, hyd yn oed drwy gyfnod fel intern neu drwy addysg.
- Sgiliau cyfathrebu a rhyngbersonol cadarn gyda'r gallu i feithrin cydweithrediad.
- Rhywun sydd yn rhoi sylw i fanylion gyda gallu da i drefnu a datrys problemau.
- Yn gyfarwydd ag offer Ystwyth megis Jira, Confluence neu raglenni tebyg.
- Y gallu i reoli amser yn effeithiol ac amldasgio mewn amgylchedd cyflym
- Sgiliau TG rhagorol, yn enwedig pecyn Microsoft
- Sgiliau rhyngbersonol cadarn
- Mae sgiliau cyfathrebu ysgrifenedig a llafar rhagorol yn hanfodol
- Rheolaeth ryngbersonol a pherthnasau cadarn
- Gwybodaeth a dealltwriaeth ragorol o gydymffurfiaeth reoleiddiol
- Mae'r gallu i gyfathrebu a gweithio yn y Gymraeg yn fanteisiol
Hwyluso seremonïau Sgrym, gan gynnwys sesiynau sefyll i fyny dyddiol, cynllunio sbrint, ôl-weithredu ac adolygiadau.
Cefnogi'r tîm i gadw at egwyddorion Ystwyth ac arferion Sgrym i sicrhau cydweithrediad a dosbarthiad effeithiol.
Helpu i olrhain cynnydd sbrint a metrigau perfformiad tîm gan ddefnyddio rhaglenni Ystwyth (e.e., Jira)
Nodi a dileu rhwystrau i gefnogi'r tîm i gyflawni amcanion sbrint.
Meithrin cyfathrebu agored ymhlith aelodau'r tîm a rhanddeiliaid i hyrwyddo tryloywder a chyfluniad.
Cynorthwyo i hyfforddi aelodau'r tîm ar arferion gorau Ystwyth ac annog diwylliant o welliant parhaus.
Cynnal a diweddaru'r ôl-groniad cynnyrch mewn cydweithrediad â Pherchennog y Cynnyrch.
Dogfennu a rhannu mewnwelediadau o adolygiadau ôl-weithredu a sbrint i annog gwelliannau.
Cyflawni dyletswyddau i gefnogi Cenhadaeth, Diben a Gwerthoedd Strategol Grŵp URC
Mae URC yn mynnu bod gan unigolion sgiliau TG, yn benodol pecynnau Microsoft. Mae sgiliau cyfathrebu ysgrifenedig a llafar rhagorol yn hanfodol, ynghyd â'r gallu i feithrin perthnasoedd cryf gyda rhanddeiliaid mewnol ac allanol.
Mae'r gallu i gyfathrebu trwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg a Thrwydded Yrru Ddilys y DU yn ddymunol. Mae'r rôl hon yn amodol ar wiriad DBS sylfaenol/manwl.
Fel aelod parhaol o Grŵp URC, bydd gennych fynediad at ein hystod lawn o fuddion cyflogeion, gan gynnwys:
- Pensiwn Aberth Cyflog (cyfraniad cyflogai o 5%,cyfraniad cyfatebol gan URC)
- Cynllun yswiriant bywyd
- Dyraniad Tocyn Grŵp URC
- Rhaglen cymorth i weithwyr
- Tactegau Tîm – trefniadau gweithio hybrid
- Parcio stadiwm a champfa am
- Gostyngiadau siop a theithiau Grŵp URC
- Cynigion partneriaeth Grŵp URC
- Cynllun Talebau Gofal Llygaid
- Cynllun Beicio i'r Gwaith
- Gostyngiadau Gwestai'r Celtic Collection
Ein Gwerthoedd
Mae Grŵp URC wedi ymrwymo i ddatblygu diwylliant lle mae pob gweithiwr yn cael ei werthfawrogi a'i barchu'n gyfartal. Mae ein nodau, ynghyd â’n gweledigaeth a’n cenhadaeth, wedi’u tanategu gan ein gwerthoedd a’n credoau craidd sy’n croesawu: Uniondeb, Rhagoriaeth, Llwyddiant, Dewrder, Teulu a Hiwmor.
Cynhwysiant yn URC
Mae Grŵp URC wedi ymrwymo i ddarparu Jyrsi i Bawb. Mae hyn yn cynnwys y bobl sy'n gweithio i ni a gyda ni. Rydym yn uchelgeisiol ynglŷn â darparu diwylliant sy'n rhoi pobl yn gyntaf, lle gall pawb fod yn perthyn a chael eu clywed a’u parchu. Rydym yn hapus i siarad â chi am ein Cynllun Cydraddoldeb, Amrywiaeth a Chynhwysiant (2023-2028) a gallwch hefyd ddarllen rhagor am ein hymrwymiad yn ein Polisi Cydraddoldeb, Amrywiaeth a Chynhwysiant.
Monitro amrywiaeth
Gwyddom ein bod yn darparu gwasanaethau gwell pan fo ein gweithlu’n adlewyrchu’r ystod lawn o gefndiroedd a phrofiadau yn y gymdeithas a wasanaethwn. Er mwyn parhau i wneud hyn mae angen eich help arnom i lenwi ffurflen fonitro fer. Ni fydd unrhyw wybodaeth y byddwch yn ei rhannu yn weladwy fel rhan o'ch cais. Dim ond i fonitro cynwysoldeb ein prosesau dethol yn ddienw y caiff ei defnyddio. Gallwch ddewis ‘gwell gennyf beidio â dweud’ os byddai’n well gennych beidio ag ateb unrhyw gwestiwn.
- Department
- Corporate
- Locations
- Principality Stadium
- Remote status
- Hybrid Remote
- Yearly salary
- £35,000
- Employment type
- Full-time
- Contract
- Permanent
About The Welsh Rugby Union
Governing body for the national sport of Wales.
Leading Welsh rugby to the forefront of the global game in performance and reputation. Developing grass-roots rugby, increasing participation, supporting clubs and bringing communities together. Promoting the Principality Stadium as a unique, must play, must visit venue.
Digital Projects Officer
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